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බදු වර්ග :: ප්‍රයෝජනවත් තොරතුරු :: අනුමත පුණ්‍යායතන

අනුමත පුණ්‍යායතන

2017 අංක 24 දරණ දේශීය ආදායම් පනතේ පස් වන උපලේඛනයේ 1 (අ) වැනි වගන්තියේ කාර්ය සඳහා අනුමත පුණ්‍යායතනයක් වශයෙන් අමාත්‍යවරයා විසින් ගැසට් පත්‍රයේ පළ කිරීමෙන් ප්‍රකාශයට පත් කරන ලද යම් පොදු පුණ්‍ය භාරයක් හෝ ආයතනයක් අනුමත පුණ්‍යායතනයක් වේ.

අනුමත පුණ්‍යායතන වලට කරන පරිත්‍යාගයන්

යම් තැනැත්තෙකු විසින් අනුමත පුණ්‍යායතනයකට මුදලින් කරනු ලබන පරිත්‍යාගයන් එකී තැනැත්තාගේ තක්සේරු කළහැකි ආදායමෙන් සුදුසුකම් ලබන ගෙවීම් ලෙස අඩුකර ගත හැකිය.

අනුමත පුණ්‍යායතන ලැයිස්තුව

පුණ්‍යායතනයේ නම ගැසට් අංකය ගැසට් දිනය
1 Hindu Women’s Society Limited Colombo 10693 16.07.1954
2 Sri Lanka Cancer Society

3 Muhandiram D F Perera Abayasiriwardhana Elders Home

4 Colombo Friend-in-Need Society D.S.221/50, No. 84/3/11 (ET/DO) 11.12.1951
5 FRIDSRO Children's Home 143 29.05.1981
6 Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary 833 19.081994
7 Rohana (blind, deaf )Special School and Hostel LDB 7/13 04.10.1972
8 Charles & Roslene Fernando Trust ACT No. 28 of 1979 1997 April;
9 Amaraseela Elders’ Home 618 06.07.1990
10 Hanwella Social Services Society, Sende Sarana Elders Home 425 24.10.1986
11 Seemasahitha Matara, Arogya Seva Samithiya 14797 11.04.1968
12 Matugama Social Services Society Ltd 1063/16 21.01.1999
13 Piliyandala Young Men’s Buddhist Association 28 16.03.1979
14 Sahanoda Elders Home 31 (7) (a) I R Act 04.04.2001
15 Maha Mahinda Dharmaduta Special Fund 965/15/150(SB/EP) 28.03.1964
16 Sudaya Trust 07/624 30.07.1993
17 St. Joseph’s Educational Foundation for the Hearing Impaired 1554 13.06.2008
18 Sarana Nikethanaya 1395 27.05.2005
19 Colombo Young Men’s Buddhist Association Chapter 399 ordinance - 11 29.09.1927
20 Saviya Development Foundation 90/0476-26 04.12.1995
21 Moors” Islamic Cultural Home 10490 23.01.1953
22 Sri Lankadhara Society Limited 10596 09.10.1953
23 YMBA Maharagama 1299 25.07.2003
24 Kanadarawa Thapowana Vihara Building Fund

25 Udaya Children’s home 1313 31.10.2003
26 Dev Suwa Sevawa 185 10.10.1975
27 Kalutara Bodhi Trust 368 20.09.1985
28 Seemasahitha Sarvodaya Suwasetha Seva Samithiya 462 09.07.1987
29 Matara Bauddha Kantha Samithiya 10947 06.07.1956
30 Sri Paramananda Children’s & Elder’s Home 14930 30.10.1970
31 Pradeepaloka Buddhist Balika Home 1842 31.12.1965
32 Jagaddala Social Welfare Institute 1660 24.06.2010
33 Sri Lanka Technical Institute & Diyagala Boy’s town 14860 27.06.1969
34 Sri Punyawardhana Samithiya 13998 28.03.1964
35 The Brave Hearts Fund of the Seva Vanitha Army Unit 1698 18.03.2011
36 Community Development & Social Services Project of the Church of St. Mary & St. John 3-435 – Gazete No. 186 26.03.1092
37 Pihimbiyahena Elder’s Home 1584 09.01.2009
38 Sri Sucharithadhara Upasika Samithiya Ltd 10947
39 Mallika Nivasa Samithiya (Society) Limited 10889 03.02.1956
40 St/ Margaret Home 10468 07.11.1952
41 Sarana Women’s Elderly Home IRD Act No. 34(2)(a) of N0. 10 of 2006 27.02.2008
42 Don Bosco Boy’s Home 1192 06.07.2001
43 Little Sisters of the Poor IRD Act No 28 of 1979(02-573) 24.02.1994
44 Friends of Marscri 462 09.07.1987
45 Shilpa Children’s Trust 513 01.07.1988
46 Shanthi Nivasa 1667 13.08.2010
47 Gamsiri Uda Samithiya Limited 246 31.12.1976
48 Galkissa Buddha Samithiya
Sri Senarath Gunawardana Children’s Development Centre
14892 27.01.1970
49 SOS Children’s Villages Sri Lanka 496 04.03.1988
50 Kandy Buddhist Women Society Jajawickrema Lama Nivasa

51 Hindu Bord of Education 10857 04.11.1955
52 Muslim Ladies Arabic College Managing Society 13998 28.03.1964
53 Children’s Corner Orphanage 38 of 2000 27.06.2003
54 Siyane Korale East – Social Service League
Obesekara Elders Home
1337 16.04.2004
55 All Ceylon Buddhist Congress 10812 01.07.1955
56 Methodist Trust Association of Ceylon 237/20 25.03.1983
57 The Oblates of Mary Immaculata Province of Sri Lanka 305 of 84.07.06 13.06.1984
58 Kandy Friend-in-need society

59 The Senkadagala Deaf & Blind Society Ltd
60 Mahabodhi Society of Ceylon 777 18.06.1999
61 Don Bosco Trust 1541 14.03.2008
62 Prithipura Infants Home 7/1638 22.01.2010
63 Anuradapura Deaf & Blind school Society Ltd 387 31.01.1986
64 Angel Foundation

65 The King George the fifth Silver Jubilee Commemoration society 10332  21.12.1951​
66 Isha Athul Islam Home for the Orphans 43/83  23.08.1984
67 Ramakrishna Sarada Mission 3-669/3   16.03.1973
68 The Ceylon Moor Ladies Union 305 17.02.1978
69 Panadura Child Welfare & social Service League
( Morawinna Girls home)
10490  23.01.1953
70 Kaluthara Buddhist society
71​ ​​HelpAge Sri Lanka ​497 ​11.03.1988
​72 ​​Hospital Services Council ​458 ​12.06.1987​
​73 ​The Ceylon School For the Deaf and Blind
​10,411 06.06.1952​
​74 ​Special Educational Service Society
​411 18.07.1986​
​75 ​Moratuwa Social Service Society (Elders Home)
​1982/39 02.09.2016​
​76 ​Appeal for Children Committee of Ceylon
​77 ​Ethanamadala Sahana Elders Home ​2127/14 12.06.2019
​78 Lotus Hill Home for Disabled Children 2046/10 21.11.2017
​79 Canadapura Children’s Home 2094/8 23.10.2018
​80 Cancer Care Association - Sri Lanka 2142/81 27.09.2019
​81 Centre For Handicapped 2144/23 09.10.2018
82 Norman Weerasooria Memorial Shelter 2267/60 18.02.2022
​83 Samastha Lanka Wakugadu Roginge Sangamaya 2288/08 12.07.2022
​84 Ceylon Fellowship of Service - Prithipura Home 2288/09 12.07.2022
​85 The Paynter Home For Children 2307/51 25.11.2022
​86 Peter Weerasekera Foundation 2329/18 24.04.2023​​
අවසන් වරට යථාවත් කිරීම : 22-08-2024